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Submitted Conference Content

Full name

Frederic Vandaele

email frederic [dot] vandaele [at] gmail [dot] com
Phone number 0473 79 69 16
Company Trasys
City (Country) Bruxelles
Time 45'
Type of Conference Workshop / 40 attendees
Level Everybody

I believe I can draw


Frederic is currently working as Project Manager for Trasys and is mainly involved in IT projects for international institutions. On a daily basis, he facilitates the implementation of Agile methods like Scrum and Kanban in dev teams and provides coaching support to other companies. He is an Agile trainer and a passionate Innovation Games practitioner.


During this session we set out to answer this question: Why don't we remember much of what we have seen, heard or experimented during conferences even after a week? Our theory is that most of us don't have a good note-taking technique, so we decide to invite you to an 1 hour sketchnoting bootcamp. During this session, we will pass through some basic principles of sketchnoting like shapes, lettering, framing, structure and process. At the end of the session, you will have your sketchnote canvas ready for the next sessions of the Agile Tour conference and the necessary skills to run your first experiment.

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